Motivational Speaking
Groups, events, classrooms/schools, other orginizations
One of the joys of my life is speaking to groups about the things I have learned on my path. Through living with a physical disability, working with a wide variety of people and industries, and absorbing the commonalities of all challenges, I have a message to share, and would love to bring it to your group or event! I have presented to: National Conferences, Regional Conferences, Schools, and many more around the United States. The message is clear, we ALL have special needs. We ALL deal with unique challenges. And we ALL have the opportunity to face those challenges, learn lessons from facing them, and teach others what we learn. I have competed in a triathlon, climbed the tallest mountain in Colorado, and rode my bicycle across Iowa, all because I refuse to use my challenges as an excuse not to succeed! My talks are Inspiring, Fun, and designed to connect to each person in attendance. My style, my message, and my drum will help to make this Keynote Address or Breakout Session different than the usual. Contact me, and let’s talk about your event!
"Thank you for your terrific presentation at the Hands & Voices Leadership Conference.
We had rave reviews from the parent leaders and professionals in attendance for your motivating story . . ."

"I really enjoyed Jonah's presentation because it takes a lot of courage to share your disability with others and now I hope to help others like myself, that don't know their fathers, just as Jonah has helped others."

“Having Jonah come speak to our families was more than I bargained for. Little did I realize the profound impact he would have on me. He has a way of recognizing what individuals need. I immediately connected with him when he spoke on the hidden challenges we face. He spoke of something that I struggle with. He has given me the courage to share my struggles and the confidence to move forward with my life.”

"Highly recommend this guy,
Jonah Berger & The
Rhythm Within for your next conference or training!
He rocks, in more ways than one!"

"I could probably have written a novella because I think Jonah needs to be bottled and sold…he would be a great remedy for depression, anxiety, hate, etc."

"Because of Jonah's presentation I learned that you have to believe in yourself and never give up when you are facing challenges."